For when you need your signature witnessed or documents certified to go overseas.
A power of attorney (sometimes called an authorization) which is to be used overseas needs to be prepared in the document's destination country.
The notary will check that your name in the Power of Attorney is identical to your identification documents.
the original unsigned document
the source document and its translation if the document is not in English (See below for more information on translations)
your identification documents
Check with your overseas attorney if you need an apostille or authentication on your power of attorney. Your notary will not know.
This means: -
your passport AND
driver's licence or proof of age card
Only original documents can be certified as true copies.
If your document can only be sourced electronically, your notary will need to source that document from the issuer.
the original document
any login details if you need to source documents electronically
We can copy or print most documents for certification.
the original document - not a photocopy.
Sometimes a document needs to be verified online. This might delay the certification process.
An affidavit is a written statement confirmed by oath or affirmation for use as evidence in court.
In most cases your affidavit will be prepared by a lawyer in the country in which it is to be filed. It must be sworn or affirmed in front of a notary.
the entire original unsigned affidavit - including all annexures.
instructions for signing from the person who sent you the document.
your identification documents - so that the notary can check that you are the person referred to in the affidavit.
Some countries issue personal identity numbers for their citizens. If this is referred to in the affidavit to be signed, bring a government issued document with that number with you. It may be in your passport too.
Notaries do not advise on the content or form of a document. Therefore, you must read the document thoroughly, check it for accuracy and understand what it says before attending your appointment. You may need to refer back to the person who prepared the document for assistance.
Where documents are not in English, a translation of that document will be required. That translation must be by a NAATI approved translator.
the original unsigned foreign language document - including all annexures; AND
The foreign language source document and its translation both signed and stamped by the translator.
The translator's official stamp will include their name, registration number, approval details and the date of the translation.
If you can only access an electronic copy of translated documents, we must be able to access the translator's original email.
Some countries issue a single document in their official language and in English. Translations of these documents may not be required. Check with us first.
Verification of Company documents and ASIC registration details.
Verification of personal identity and/or signature.
Witness execution of local and international documents such as land transfers, assignments of intellectual property, powers of attorney.
Administer oaths on affidavits.
Prepare Certificates of Good Standing for corporate entities.
Contact us if you have other requirements.
Any document not in English will need to be translated by a NAATI accredited translator.
A notary cannot witness your signature using online technology. You must attend in person for your signature to be witnessed.
Fees are payable on the day that the service is provided.
We can let you know our charges in advance if you can provide us with a copy of the document/s before your appointment.
If an ASIC or other company search is required, a charge will be made for that service.
If you need an apostille, the DFAT charge for each apostille is $102.00 (as at 1 January 2025). See below for further information on getting an apostille.
Your document is intended for use overseas and the destination country is party to the Hague Apostille Convention;
Your document is intended for use overseas and the destination country is NOT a party to the Hague Apostille Convention;
AND you have been specifically requested to obtain an Apostille Authentication by the issuing authority in the destination of your document.
You have the option to personally take your documents to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) or we can obtain an apostille or authentication for you, for which a service fee will be charged.
DFAT charges AUD102 for each apostille/authentication.
(DFAT fee is correct as at 1 January 2025)
Can a justice of the peace witness my signature instead of a notary public? If the document is to be used overseas, you will need your signature witnessed by a notary public. The JP's signature will not be recognised.
Can a justice of the peace certify my documents as true copies? If the document is to be used overseas, you will need it certified by a notary.
Is every solicitor a notary public? No, in South Australia, a notary public must be enrolled and admitted on the Roll of Notaries kept by the Supreme Court of South Australia.
Do I need to make an appointment to see a notary? Yes. Notaries are also lawyers. If you walk-in without an appointment, they may be busy and not able to see you. Also, as you may not have everything needed for the appointment, a phone call or email before you come in can save time.